Curriculum Vitae
Current Positions:
• Educator at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science
• Team Member of Documentation Lab
Research Interests:
Materialities of information practices; digital remediation; communal documentation practices
Teaching Interests:
Archival history, theory, and practice; digital collections; social and ethical implications of data and technology
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Culture & Data Stewardship, August 2022
University of Pittsburgh, School of Computing and Information
Committee: Alison Langmead, Eleanor Mattern, Marcia Rapchak, Gabriella Lukács
Master of Library and Information Science, March 2016
University of Denver, Morgridge College of Education
Archives Concentration
Beta Phi Mu, Departmental Distinction
Bachelor of Art in Art History, May 2013
University of Colorado Denver, College of Arts & Media
Minors in Philosophy and Religious Studies
summa cum laude, Departmental Distinction
Research & Teaching Experience
Graduate Student Researcher, 2021-2022
University of Pittsburgh, Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
Project: Information Ecosystems: Creating Data (and Absence) From the Quantitative to the Digital Age
Granted by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Graduate Student Researcher, 2021-2022
University of Pittsburgh, School of Computing and Information
Project: Building Civic Open Data Capacity through Instructional Design
Granted by the Institute of Museum and Library Services
Graduate Student Teaching Assistant, 2016, 2018-2021
University of Pittsburgh, School of Computing and Information
• LIS 2040 The Information Professional in the Community, Summer 2021, Instructors of Record: James Currier & Eleanor Mattern
• LIS 2020 Lifecycles of Data and Information, Fall 2020, Instructor of Record: Eleanor Mattern
• LIS 2407 Metadata, Summer 2020 & Spring 2021, Instructor of Record: Eleanor Mattern
• CS 1699 Special Topics in Computer Science - The Future of Cities, Spring 2020, Instructor of Record: Stacy Wood
• LIS 2771 Academic Libraries, Fall 2019, Instructor of Record: Marcia Rapchak
• LIS 2771 Curriculum Development, Summer 2019, Coordinator: Marcia Rapchak
• CS 0590 Social Implications of Technology, Spring 2019 & Fall 2018, Instructor of Record: Patricia Quirin
• LIS 2633 Technology in the Lives of Youth, Fall 2018, Instructor of Record: May Kay Biagini
• LIS 2184 Intellectual Property and Social Movements, Fall 2016, Instructor of Record: James Currier
Graduate Research Assistant, 2015-2016
University of Denver, Morgridge College of Education
Project: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bits
Selected Professional Experience
Gallery Experience Presenter II, January 2020 - Present
Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Education Department, Pittsburgh, PA
Promoted from GEP I in April 2021
In this position, I implemented interpretive public programming relevant to museum audiences and exhibition content, provide on-site educational and experiential visitor support, develop online learning activities and informational content, and facilitate hands-on learning opportunities. As a team lead, I was also on-site customer service support for floor staff, specializing in education and de-escalation tactics.
Project Archivist, January 2017 - July 2018
University of Colorado Boulder, Special Collections and Archives, Boulder, CO
During my time at CU, I was tasked with evaluating, processing, and managing the Post-Holocaust American Judaism Collections along with facilitating associated programming and student opportunities in the collection. This included arrangement, physical processing, and description of collections, including assessment of preservation and conservation issues. Through this work, I was fortunate to be able to develop a summer fellowship program, support practicum students, form community partnerships, and create onsite and digital exhibits to support the collections.
Exhibitions Project Associate, April 2015-August 2016
Denver Botanic Gardens, Denver, CO
Working in exhibits at DBG, I completed preliminary research to support interpretation for temporary exhibitions, drafted elements of interpretive content for selected exhibitions, developed related materials for exhibit-related docent/volunteer training, and conceptualized and co-manage exhibit-related programs, including, but not limited to: lectures, films, receptions, demonstrations, and performances. I also provided assistance with exhibition installation and maintenance along with performing maintenance on outdoor sculptures.
Archives Assistant, September 2015-August 2016
University of Denver, Special Collections and Archives, Denver, CO
As an archives assistant, I provided research assistance to users, processed and cataloged accessioned and transferred collections in ArchivesSpace, managed and conducted upload of digital objects to Islandora and their relationship with ArchivesSpace, and assisted in the development and design of library exhibits.
Fellowships and Awards
Engaged Scholarship Design Fellow, 2021-2022
University of Pittsburgh, Office of Engagement and Community Affairs
University of Pittsburgh, Office of Engagement and Community Affairs
Copyright X Participant, Spring 2021
Harvard University, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Harvard University, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Grace Hopper Celebration Sponsorship, Spring 2020
School of Computing & Information, University of Pittsburgh &
School of Computing & Information, University of Pittsburgh &
Beta Phi Mu Inductee, 2016
Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver
Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver
LIS Outstanding Graduate, 2016
Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver
Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver
Graduate Dean Scholarship, Fall 2015 - Spring 2016
Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver
Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver
Emerging Archival Scholar Fellow, Summer 2015
Archival Education and Research Initiative
Archival Education and Research Initiative
Outstanding Graduate in Art History, 2013
College of Arts & Media, University of Colorado Denver
College of Arts & Media, University of Colorado Denver
Dean’s List, Fall 2011- Spring 2013
College of Arts & Media, University of Colorado Denver
College of Arts & Media, University of Colorado Denver
Professional Service
ICDS Faculty Recruitment Committee, Fall 2021 - Spring 2022
University of Pittsburgh, School of Computing and Information
Year of Data and Society Steering Committee, Fall 2021 - Spring 2022
University of Pittsburgh, Office of the Provost
Awards Subcommittee
Virtual Archival Education Developer, August 2018 - Present
ArtHyve, Denver, CO
Planning Committee, 2017, 2018
Board Member, 2017 - 2018
Marketing Coordinator, July 2017 - July 2018
New Teaching Assistant Orientation Facilitator, August 2019
University of Pittsburgh Center for Teaching and Learning, Pittsburgh, PA
ACH2019 Conference Volunteer, July 2019
Association for Computers and the Humanities, Pittsburgh, PA
PDA 2019 Planning Committee, May 2019
Personal Digital Archiving Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
Archives Management Group Intern, July 2017 - July 2018
Society of American Archivists
President, Summer 2015 - Spring 2016
Society of American Archivists, University of Denver Chapter, Denver, CO
Outreach Coordinator and Board Member, July 2017 to July 2018
Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists, Denver, CO
Presentations & Workshops
“Teaching About/In Community Archives: Workshopping Strategies for Teaching Equivocal Archival Practices.” Workshop at the Archival Education Research Institute, Online, July 2021 with Chelsea Gunn.
"Project: Documentation Lab." Presentation at the Engaged Scholarship Development Initiative Summer Design Intensive Showcase, Online, August 2021 with Chelsea Gunn.
"Professional Practices: A Discussion with Art History Alumni." Invitational panel at the University of Colorado Denver, Online, March 2021.
"Crosswalking Anarchy: A Case Study in Education and Expectation." Presentation at the Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists Spring Meeting, CU Boulder, Boulder, CO. June 2018 with Athea Merredyth.
"The Radical Act of Self-Representation: ArtHyve’s Effort to Support Colorado Arts Communities." PechaKucha Presentation at the Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists Spring Meeting, CU Boulder, Boulder, CO. June 2018.
"ArtHyve: Art+Archives+Community." Panel and presentation at the Midwest Archives Conference Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. March 2018.
"Crosswalking Anarchy: Balancing the Punk Cultural Tapestry with Archival Accountability." Presentation at Curating Resistance: Punk as Archival Method, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. February 2018 with Athea Merredyth.
"The Burden of Generosity: Assessing Formal Donor Relations Education in LIS Programs." Work in Progress Poster Presentation at ALISE Annual Conference, Westminster, CO. February 2018 with Samantha Mat.
"Introduction to ArchivesSpace." Presentation at the University of Colorado Libraries Symposium, Boulder, CO. December 6, 2017 with Philip Gaddis.
"Rogues and Rebels: Less than Legal Platforms for Open Access Resources." Presentation at the University of Colorado Open Access Week, Boulder, CO. October 25, 2017.
"Post-Holocaust American Judaism Collections: 2017 Update." Presentation at the University of Colorado Libraries Second Thursday All Topics Meetings, Boulder, CO. September 14, 2017.
"2017 PHAJ Fellowships: Using Primary Source Research in a Digital Environment." Lightning talk at the University of Colorado Libraries Symposium, Boulder, CO. September 6, 2017.
"Archives in Japan: A Case Study from an 'Outsider.'" Poster Presentation at ARCHIVES 2017: alike/different, SAA Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. July 2017.
"How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bits." Poster Presentation at the Archival Education Research Institute, College Park, MD. July 2015 as Jane Nelson with Heather (Ryan) Bowden.
"Philosophies of the Fleeting: Impermanent Art as the Manifestation of Value Systems." Presentation at the Art History Symposium, University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO. March 2012 as Jane Nelson.
Guest Lectures
"Ethical Metadata: Challenging Normative Standards." Graduate level lecture for Metadata in the Library and Information Science program at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Spring 2021.
"VirtualBox + BitCurator Tool Workshop." Workshop for Preserving Digital Culture in the Library and Information Science program at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Spring 2021.
"Linked Data Project in Libraries, Archives, and Museums." Graduate level lecture for Metadata in the Library and Information Science program at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Spring 2021.
"EaaSI Sandbox Tool Workshop." Workshop for Preserving Digital Culture in the Library and Information Science program at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Spring 2021.
"Emulation for Digital Preservation." Graduate level lecture for Preserving Digital Culture in the Library and Information Science program at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Spring 2021.
"Inheriting Control: Challenges of Authority Control in a Real-Life Setting." Graduate level lecture for Archival Appraisal, Description, & Access in the Library and Information Science program at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Spring 2021.
"Linked Data Project in Libraries, Archives, and Museums." Graduate level lecture for Metadata in the Library and Information Science program at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Summer 2020.
"Ghostly Infrastructures." Undergraduate level lecture for The Future of Cities in the Computer Science program at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Spring 2020.
"Urban Planning." Undergraduate level lecture for The Future of Cities in the Computer Science program at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Spring 2020.
"Privatization." Undergraduate level lecture for The Future of Cities in the Computer Science program at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Spring 2020.
"Data in Smart Cities." Undergraduate level lecture for The Future of Cities in the Computer Science program at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Summer 2020.
"Community In/Though/Of Archives." Lecture for the ArtHyve Fellowship Program 2019, Denver, CO. July 2019.
"Special Collections and Archives." Graduate level lecture for Academic Libraries at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Fall 2019.
"Argumentative Skills for Computer Science."Undergraduate level lecture for Social Implications of Technology in the Computer Science program at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Spring 2019.